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Antica Valle d'Ofanto Lampiscioni in Olive Oil

Antica Valle d'Ofanto Lampiscioni in Olive Oil

Producer: Antica Valle d'Ofanto
Region: Puglia (Apulia)
Item Number: 20007VALLE

Lampescioni are a traditional wild-gathered food typical of the Puglia region of Italy. Though called wild onions they are actually in the hyacinth branch of the asparagus family (Muscari racemosum). They have the delicate bitterness of that familiar vegetable but with the shape and texture of a roasted scallion. These springtime bulbs are lightly pickled anand exclusively packed in olive oil for RITROVO. In Puglia they are used in frittatas and as a garnish for the regional dried bean and dandelion stew--fave e cicoria. They can be great atop cooked or pureed beans of any kind. Also, try adding slices to antipasto or charcuterie plates or any type of sandwich. They make a great garnish for roasted meats or add to roasted fingerling potatoes or root vegetables.


Lampascioni (Wild Onions) 55%, Olive Oil, Wine Vinegar, Salt And Spices (Chili Pepper, Garlic, Parsley).

Regular price $8.50
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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Robert Giustra
A wonderful suprise

Previously unknown to me I gave Lampascioni a try and I'm glad I did. At first, I wasn't enthralled eating them cold in a salad. I went online and found a few obscure recipes, one with potatoes pique my interest. So, I created my own version. Chunky Mashed Potatoes with Lampascioni. Simple and delicious. Slice the Ladmpacioni in half and pan fry them in their own olive oil until lightly browned. Toss them with chunky mashed potatoes, a litlle milk/cream, butter to your liking and some more of the olive oil. If you like mashed potatoes, you are going to love these.